Monday 27 February 2023

114 scouts attend Kings Camp III

To learn and practice scouting methods and principles, 114 scouts from across the country attended the Kings Camp III in Gelephu which ended on February 24. 

According to the Officiating Chief Program Officer, Scouts and Cultural Education Division, Nawang Gyaltshen, The Kings Camp is organised towards meeting the challenges of the world through scouting with a special focus on the scout method.      

Held once every four years, Gelephu Middle Secondary School hosted the five-day event this year. 

A total of 114 scouts (62 boys and 52 girls) from 54 schools from 18 dzongkhags and two thromdes participated in the camp. 

According to Nawang Gyaltshen, the camp is an opportunity for scouts from different parts of the country to meet, build friendships and leadership through companionship, and take part in educational activities and adventure. 

"The camp provides a unique platform for all scouts to learn and practise scouting methods and principles in adherence to the scout promise and law," he said. 

The scouts at this camp, he said, gain new knowledge and experiences in various fields such as first aid, ropework and pioneering, estimation and orienteering, culture and spirituality, survival skills and many more for personal development. 

"The camp is also a place where the scouts can achieve their Toenpa Rank (the highest and coveted rank in scouting in Bhutan). Three scouts were promoted to Toenpa rank," he said. 

As per an official from the camp, the participants of the third Kings Camp are the scouts who have been actively rendering their service to their community. 

"After the camp, the scouts shall be able to extend their range of service in their communities as projects. They will know the procedures to conduct community projects," he said. 

Scout Ringsel Norbu Jamtsho, 16, Garpawoong MSS said that scouting is one of the broadest areas for education that provides a platform to explore and share their knowledge amongst themselves.

"We were made to undergo stiff competition in various domains such as social, physical, intellectual, spiritual, and emotional development during the last five days," he said. 

Scouting in Bhutan has revived over the years with 16 batches of leadership training conducted in the country. There are over 60,000 scouts in the country. 

The first Kings Camp was held in the year 2015 at the national scouts’ centre in Paro and the second one was in Tsirang in 2019.

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Thursday 16 February 2023

An ecological hub in India (teri)

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in New Delhi, established in 1974 is an independent, multi-dimensional organization, with capabilities in research, policy, consultancy and implementation. We are innovators and agents of change in the energy, environment, climate change and sustainability space, having pioneered conversations and action in these areas for over four decades.

It has its mission to usher transitions to a cleaner and sustainable future through the conservation and efficient use of energy and other resources, and innovative ways of minimizing and reusing waste through: 

  • Interdisciplinary and integrated research and analyses
  • Evidence and data-based decision making
  • Taking solutions from lab to pilot and field scale
  • Early validation of business models
  • Enhancing livelihood through new technologies and practices
  • Policy advisory and consultancy
  • Education and outreach to influence decisions and consumer behaviour
  • Capacity building and handholding of stakeholders
  • Partnerships across stakeholders, nationally and internationally

Hit the link and get to know more:

Climate Action Champions Network 2nd In-person convening

Climate-based challenges in South Asia cuts across borders and require a joint approach.

The Climate Action Champions Network took a step forward in the inclusion of young advocates, by giving a central role to their voices, ideas and creativity to respond to the multi-faceted risks posed by climate change. Through multiple dynamic formats, including panel discussions, simulation exercise workshops and other activities, the two and half days convening aimed to find recommendations, solutions and ideas in an effort to mitigate climate change as well as building climate resilience within systems and communities in the region.

For the second convening, the cohort members were divided into six groups: Developed countries with high emissions, Developing countries, Least developed countries, Small island nation states, Private entities and Multilateral organizations where the participants discussed FOUR pillars based on the 2030 scenario: Making climate cool, Power and promise of resilience, Loss and damage, and Innovate to mitigate

The CACN aimed to harness the potential of the youth in the region by bringing together 100 individuals from the countries of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, to discuss and deliberate about creating a climate action vision for South Asia and the Indo-Pacific.

The objective of the program is to inspire young South Asian advocates to champion an ambitious climate action agenda in their respective countries and in the wider Indo-Pacific region using an in-depth thematic understanding of climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Observer Research Foundation (ORF) in partnership with Gen-Lab, Institute for Strategic and Socio-Economic Research, Sri Lanka Development Journalist Forum and supported by the United States Department of State is organising the second convening of the Climate Action Champions Network (CACN) on February 12th to 14th, 2023, in New Delhi.

Thursday 2 February 2023

Kaja throm outlet to help Dagana farmers

The local RNR products sales outlet located at Kaja Throm, Thimphu has helped ease the marketing challenges of farmers from Dagana.

It is an extension of the Farmer's Sales Outlet at Dagapela where Daga Sanam Thuenkey Detshen (DSTD) operates. The DSTD supplies the products in Thimphu besides other suppliers. 

A couple from Salamji, Tsangkha operates the sales outlet at the Kaja Throm after its inauguration on January 28. 

The Outlet Operator, Bishnu Maya Subba said that she used to buy farm products from Dagana and sell them in Wangdue. "Now, Dagana agriculture sector has provided us with this opportunity to sell at the outlet. I am hopeful that this outlet will help us sell our organic products in Thimphu." 

Her husband, Krishna Bahadur Subba said that they are working to ease the marketing challenges for farmers in Dagana. 

"Selling vegetables in Dagana was difficult for our farmers. Now that we have an outlet, we can collect the vegetables from all the 14 gewogs of Dagana and encourage our farmers," he said.

A supplier from Tanabji, Penba, said this will ease the marketing challenges for the farmers in Dagana. "Farmers in Dagana are hopeful that the sales outlet opened earlier this week will guarantee a steady market for their goods." 

Assistant Dzongkhag Agriculture Officer Dagana, Kinley Namgay said that the outlet in Dagapela is centrally located and could reach out to several gewogs from which farm produce could be supplied to Thimphu. "We expect farmers from all 14 gewogs under Dagana to avail of this service."

Farmers in Bhutan, Kinley Namgay said, struggle with the absence of a suitable market. With a farmers' sales outlet in Dagapela opened last year, things have improved for the farmers in Dagana and we expect it to be better with the outlet extension in Thimphu. 

The outlet will receive fresh products from the communities every weekend and will be sold at the market price in Thimphu. Over 30 products, mostly vegetables, are sold at the outlet. 

The Department of Agriculture Marketing and Cooperatives assisted in building market linkage and exemption of the stall fee of Nu 6,000 for two stalls, for three months. 

Adoption of BC9 to expand Bhutan’s protected areas

“ National Council Adopts BC9 Bill with Amendments, Expanding Bhutan's Protected Areas"   In a significant legislative move, the Na...