Wednesday 12 April 2023

Lama Lamini Rock Formation - Dagana


The pleasing rock formation is a unique formation seen at a place called Lama Lamini, located about 15 kilometres from Lhamoidzingkha town. 

The small buttes formed are of sedimentary rocks which when exposed to heavy rainfall gets denuded leaving behind innumerable dagger-shaped land formation.

Besides their wonderful appearance and variegated colours, these salt-lick rocks attract wildlife due to their rich nutrients and minerals.

Locals of Lhamoidzingkha consider Lama Lamini a sacred place 

Palden Lhamoi Latsho - Dagana

Palden Lhamoi Latsho (the soul lake of goddess Mahakali) also known as Khurul Lake (oyester lake) in Lhamoidzingkha is not only worshipped as a sacred lake but also has a huge ecological significance. 

The lake is located 10 kilometres away from Lhamoidzingkha town. The name oyster lake is derived due to oysters present in the lake.

It has unique red fishes that are usually found only in oceans.

According to the environmentalists, the lake is the last remnant of the Tethys Sea where sea horses and other sea creatures still survive.

The lake is visited by thousands of pilgrims who come to perform sacred rituals.

The local people believe that any disturbance to the lake would provoke the lake's deity to unleash thumderstorms and other natural disasters. 

The walking stick of Zhabdrung Jigme Chogyel

Bhutan Weeping Cypress tree (Cupressus corneyana) which is almost 60 metres tall in Peling Tseza and a Khasi tree in Khebisa village is believed to have grown from the walking stick of Zhabdrung Jigme Chogyel (1862-1904). Local people worship the trees as Lhasang (sacred tree).

Sunday 2 April 2023

The Road Not Taken - Robert Frost

"The Road Not Taken" is a classic poem by Robert Frost that explores the theme of choice and its consequences. The poem is written in a simple yet powerful style that resonates with readers of all ages.

Frost uses the metaphor of a traveler journeying through a forest to represent the journey of life. The traveler comes upon a fork in the road and must decide which path to take. The two paths represent the different choices we make in life, and the traveler's decision to take the less traveled path symbolizes the choice to take a risk and follow one's own unique path.

The imagery in the poem is rich and evocative, with Frost's use of words like "yellow wood" and "falling leaves" creating a sense of natural beauty and transition. The poem's rhyme scheme and meter add to its overall musicality, creating a sense of movement and rhythm that reinforces the theme of journey.

The poem's message is timeless and universal, reminding us that the choices we make in life have consequences that can shape our destiny. Frost's exploration of this theme through the metaphor of a traveler in a forest speaks to the human experience in a way that is both relatable and profound. "The Road Not Taken" is a masterpiece of American poetry that continues to inspire and resonate with readers today.

Poetry Book:


A need for realistic pledges from NC candidates

PC: Kuensel (April 01, 2023)

With the election for the fourth National Council (NC) scheduled on April 20, the public debate telecasted live every evening are setting the national discourse these days.

Democracy is 15 years old in Bhutan with major reforms taking place under three parliamentary governments. 

Voters over the years are well aware of the roles and responsibilities that an aspiring candidate must uphold.

PC: Kuensel (April 01, 2023)

Primarily, the National Council shall ensure that the Government safeguards the interests of the nation and fulfills the aspirations of the people through public review of policies and issues, Bills and other legislation, and scrutiny of State functions.

It is the house of review on matters affecting the security and sovereignty of the country and the interests of the nation and the people, according to the National Council Act of Bhutan 2008.

With increasing public awareness on election systems in Bhutan, the citizens are well-aware of making the right choice.

People took part in damngoi zomdu and chose eligible candidates to contest at the dzongkhag level, and it is the responsibility of every eligible Bhutanese to vote. Now that public debates and common forums are in process, making a realistic pledge is a must.

The candidates should not mislead the voters with fake promises that they cannot fulfill.

PC: Google

Understanding the situation of the country with huge public debt and a need for a vibrant democracy, Bhutan needs representatives who will fulfill the needs of the public with transparency and accountability.

Every dzongkhag needs a representative who will delve into the issues faced by the public and frame policies that are a resolution to their problems rather than a burden to society.

Adoption of BC9 to expand Bhutan’s protected areas

“ National Council Adopts BC9 Bill with Amendments, Expanding Bhutan's Protected Areas"   In a significant legislative move, the Na...