Monday 23 January 2023

De-suups and Fire officials seek public cooperation on fire safety


The peak fire season is witnessing a countable number of fire incidences and the fine for causing the fire is hefty. Initiated by the De-suung Head Office Forest Fire Prevention Awareness Campaign that sensitized and reminded people regarding fire safety during this peak fire season, the firefighting response team in Thimphu requests cooperation and support from the citizens for a better outcome this year.

Officials from the Department of Forest and Park Services and 165 De-suups divided into 22 platoons carried out the advocacy on the outskirts of Thimphu city from Chhuzom to Kabisa reaching out to 1,000 households during a recent three days advocacy programme. 

The De-suung Head Office further plans to carry out a similar advocacy campaign in other fire-prone dzongkhags soon. 

Reporting the fire disasters and being cautious between November and March was the focus of the advocacy.

Rinchen Tshomo, a resident at Khasadrapchu said that it is a good initiative from the De-suups to inform and advocate for people on being careful and safe from harm. 

“A group of De-suups came to our field and took time explaining waste management, burning in a proper place, and responding to an emergency. I think that it is a good reminder that people in uniform took this initiative to make sure people are careful and supportive in managing forest fire,” she said.

Sonam Dorji, 67, from Lungtenphu said that the area is a fire-prone area where people witness fire every winter. “The group of De-suups have made sure they remind us to be careful at this season.”

An official from the De-suung Head Office said that support and cooperation from the people are expected during a fire outbreak. “We focused on advocating to people on proper management of waste especially dry waste and burn with caution. The risk of forest fire is high at this point with heavy penalty, for which we want people to be reminded of fire safety and rapid response,” he said.

Deputy Chief Forestry Officer, of the Forest Resources Planning and Management Division, Ram Bahadur Mongar, said that it is one of the plans that the department had focused on. “Our plans, which we are implementing over time, include the formation of inter-agency forest fire coordinating groups at a local level to be ready and respond to fire and advocacy through various media."

Fire and Rescue Service Division, Thimphu alone recorded nine cases of forest fire last year. 

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